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Banks and Credit Unions Risk Sacrificing the Future By Ignoring Changing Customer Needs

Unifimoney’s Investing Approach Is Designed to Solve for this

By Max Osbon - Chief Investment Officer, Unifimoney

Community financial services clients are about to get a significant upgrade to their investment resources. Responding to the desires of investors to be more educated about investing and have more investment tools, Unifimoney has built a platform for banks and credit unions to give their clients more of what they want.

The problem with financial and investment innovation today is that there is either too much focus on gimmicks or not enough focus on innovation. Crypto-only investment companies indiscriminately pitch every token as the latest and greatest get-rich-quick scheme. Gamified investment apps promote risky options trades that turn investing into a lottery or casino and distract from what investing should be, a powerful tool to maintain, protect and build wealth. Further, legacy investment institutions often make the bulk of their revenue from customers who are already wealthy with older products and have little incentive to experiment with creative new offerings.

In this unhappy mix it is those with the most to gain from a long term investing strategy - younger less affluent or not yet rich investors, who lose the most. Unable to access wealth management and investing services from their trusted financial institution they have no alternative but to work with 3rd party investment apps for whom their customers long term success and happy retirement is not their primary interest. For community financial institutions this effectively breaks the chain of familial wealth transfer and risks their next generation of customers.

Like Amazon and its long-tail strategy, Unifimoney strategy is to offer access to a growing list of investments ranging from physical metals to AI-driven investment models to crypto-assets to collectibles. Unifimoney believes that the end-user, the investor, should be given a choice to pursue the investment strategy they feel fits best for their unique investment interests and risk profile. Importantly this includes all the tools they need to effortless pursue the get rich slowly strategy - passive investing and dollar cost averaging into a low cost highly diversified portfolio.

Cloud computing innovations and many rounds of fintech venture capital have made it possible to build curated investment platforms for traditional banking partners. New API-driven investment tools allow financial services to embrace change in collaborative ways that don't conflict with existing business and appeal to the ever-changing preferences of investors.

Investing is not one-size-fits-all. You may be a fan of wine, so you may want to invest in a portfolio of wine assets you can hold or eventually redeem. You may have collected baseball cards as a kid, and now you have the capital to buy collectibles that mean something to you as culturally relevant assets. You also may want to invest in thematic categories, like semiconductors, the foundation for all computing, from electric vehicles to computers to smartphones. These investments are not optimal for everyone, but they don't have to be for everyone. What matters most is access. Give customers a choice to pursue wealth-building strategies based on their unique insights and instincts and make it available through their existing bank or credit union. Unifimoney’s contribution is a natural next step in the evolution of investment platforms to provide more access and education.

The real challenge today is that too many banking platforms are not taking full advantage of the full range of investment tools available, even though their clients are looking for these. Lack of access leads to painful experiences for the average investor who wants to be both intelligent with their money and allowed to experiment and explore the ever-changing world of digitally available investment categories. Unifimoney has built this next layer of tools to satisfy the growing need for banks and credit unions to embrace innovation and for end clients to ultimately get more of what they want.

For more information visit www.unifimoney.com

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Unifimoney, Inc. is not a bank.

Unifimoney Inc. and Unfimoney RIA operate a website and mobile applications (the “Site”). Unifimoney RIA is an SEC registered investment adviser. SEC registration does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the SEC and does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Clearing, custody, or other brokerage services may be provided by APEX Clearing and Custody, member FINRA/SIPC. Banking services provided are by Piermont Bank, member FDIC.

Cryptocurrency trading is offered through GEMINI, a digital asset platform operated by and proprietary to Gemini Trust Company, LLC, a New York trust company. Your cryptocurrency investments may lose value and are not protected by either FDIC or SIPC.

Precious Metal trading is offered through GBI, a New-York-based precious metals dealer. Your precious metals investments may lose value and are not protected by either FDIC or SIPC.

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