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Unifimoney Communications

What I’m Listening To: Five Podcasts for the FinTech Fanatic

When I’m not scouring Medium, Forbes, and Business Insider for the latest insights on FinTech, I’m often listening to FinTech podcasts. Obsessive? Sure. But it’s key to stay up to date, especially in as fast moving a sector as ours.

These are the five podcasts I lean on to stay up on the latest in FinTech.

  1. One Vision: Hosts Bradley Leimar, Theodora Lau, and Arunkumar Krishnakumar focus on innovators working towards a sustainable future. The whip smart conversations often look deeply at emerging markets. The February 25th episode “Magic mirror of fintech, who is the fairest of all?” is an especially great listen for those fascinated by FinTech.
  2. Breaking Banks: Brett King’s show is the most famous of the FinTech podcasts, and for good reason. King has an eagle-eye for the trends in FinTech and has managed to secure some of the biggest players in the space as guests.
  3. The Moneypot: Money 20/20’s podcast looks at the future of money and the financial sector. Hosted by Sanjib Kalita and Scarlett Sieber, ‘The Moneypot’ looks into unexplored angles of FinTech. A favorite episode is last October’s ‘Challenging the Challenger Bank Model’ which looked at Grasshopper Banks’ novel strategy.
  4. American Banker: The editors at American Banker host this podcast that looks into both FinTech and the old-school incumbent banks. The American Banker podcast often is a great window into the way big banks are trying to respond to the FinTech challenge.
  5. Wharton FinTech: The podcast from Penn’s business school is an engaging look at the world at FinTech. Each episode features an interview with a founder, investor or thinker from the world of innovative finance.

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